Event Series "University in Transition – Perspectives on Gender and Diversity"

Submitted by: Ramona Liedtke, Rectorate Staff Unit Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD)

- ongoing

Event Series "University in Transition – Perspectives on Gender and Diversity"

Since 2013 the Rectorate Staff Unit Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD) organizes this event series in collaboration with the RWTH Family Service Centre and the RWTH Career Center. It is open for everyone to attend and learn about current developments on gender equality and personal experiences and career paths of persons, mostly women, in order to inspire.

COMPASS PERSPECTIVE – in what way(s) was the measure C O M P A S S?

O because it is open for everyone to attend, give input to topics and share their own experiences


  • The organizers at Rectorate Staff Unit Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD), Family Service Centre, and Career Center of RWTH Aachen University
  • The speakers or trainers who share their experiences and knowledge
  • Any person interested, i.e. Students, teachers, researchers, and administrative personnel


What would you do the same/differently another time?
What have you learnt? Do you see relevance for this in other contexts?

In 2020 we needed to develop an additional line within the series (“Anti-Discrimination in Focus”) because hate speech, which formerly was limited to social media, reached our university in seminars, foras, and e-mails communication. This line has since held several communication training to support affected and succoring students and teachers and will offer further anti-discrimination workshops.

In my opinion, it is essential to keep an open mind, communicate and interchange experiences with others in order to understand each other and help equality become a reality. I totally recommend having such an event series.